Dr. Tricia Van Laar Assistant Professor of Microbial Genomics at CSU Stanislaus


Check out what’s new with us!

April Highlights

April has been a good month for the Van Laar lab! Dr. Van Laar was awarded a $15,000 CSUBIOTECH grant for her collaborative work with Dr. Slade (Fresno State) on malaria, the microbiome, and the immune response in white-crowned sparrows. Speaking of that project…Alejandra will be presenting her results at the American Ornithological Society Meeting in Estes Park, CO, in October!

Shout out to Jair!

Jair has been extra busy lately. Not only did he receive a $1,000 travel grant to attend AOS in October, he just took First Place in our Grad Slam competition and will be advancing to the State competition in May! Congrats Jair!!!


We have been awarded a Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities Grant from Stan State in the amount of $10,000 to work on untangling the connections between the gut microbiome, immune system, and malaria in White-crowned Sparrows. We’re so excited to share this work with you in the future!